Independence Day Weekend ~

I had a good weekend with friends – July 4th falling on a Thursday means that Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday quickly turn into a four day-long Independence Day marathon. As I sit here on Sunday night at almost midnight, I can’t help but think about where I was this time last year.  I was laying in bed with my dog Jenny, knowing that it was my last night with her.  I stayed home that week while my boyfriend was out of town because Jenny did not have a lot of time, and I sat out on my balcony on the fourth, watching what felt like 100 different fireworks shows going on north, east and west.  As I sat there alone with my dog, watching the fireworks, it was peaceful but sad. I knew I was spending it alone just because of the fact that I’d be losing her soon.


This year we dropped our outdoor concert plans because of the rain, and friends came over to our house instead.  We all sat out on the balcony together and watched the very same spectacular array of fireworks once again.  My squirmy, lively dog Ella, my boyfriend, and our friends were all sitting on the balcony and had a wonderful time. I miss Jenny so much, and I think about her every day.  Luckily, life has been the best it has been in many years at this point, so it made me a little emotional to think about how I went through some tough things in the past couple of years and how much better everything is now…

Thursday we’re going to New Orleans with some friends and I cannot wait! I have not been there since 2005…it’s crazy to me that 2005 was eight years ago. Time flies!






goodbye, Spring….hello, Summer!!!!!!


Hello, everyone! Yes, I am still around. It’s been a GREAT Spring….After a long, painful winter of bar study, bar exam, and waiting, I found out a passed…got a job, and spent the Spring unwinding and trying to enjoy life once again.  That transition, however welcome it may be, certainly doesn’t happen overnight!  Every weekend’s been jam-packed with things to do, even when I try to slow down.

So I’ve got a vacation coming up – New Orleans….I haven’t been on vacation in a long time…I haven’t been in a vacation that lasted more than two days…in Oh, six years.  SO YEAH I AM EXCITED!!! To celebrate I got a few things, including this L Space Bikini from (top here and bottoms here) and these Elan linen pants from Everything But Water. I LOVE THAT PLACE!!! ….although I WOULD like them to add a reviews/comments section on their website like they have on say, Piperlime or Gap.  It would really help me with sizing and fit-related comments.

Soooooo I opted for the “full coverage” bottoms and let me tell you I would NOT want to wear the “brazilian” cut because these babies are skimpy enough as it is!  The pants looked large and flowy so I got a small and basically it was so tight I had to get a large and really even an Extra Large probably would’ve sufficed.  I wear a 2 or 4 pant so these sorts of sizing quirks should be on their website!






I’ve also been running and doing hot yoga, although neither as much as I should.  After this past winter I’ve really been enjoying the down time.  I DID invest in some new workout clothes to help motivate me…it helps!

The first night we found ourselves with nice weather for balcony dinner you bet your ass that’s what we did…I got these long plates from CB2, awesome for tacos, among other things….

I graduated!!!  Well, actually I’ve been finished since December, but let me tell you, the ceremony was WAY more fun having known I had a job and a law license.


I read that mirrored-lens aviators are SO HOT RIGHT NOW, and so I got some cheap-o ones at a mall kiosk in silver and some other fun colors.  I am loving them way too much and of course the lenses are already getting crappy…I just may have to pick out a nicer pair to get.  My boyfriend just got these from Oakley and I am super jealous…


Have you been to a bar/art studio whatever you call it?  I don’t know what to call them..basically you go with a group of friends, drink wine or beer and sit on a stool with a canvas and follow the instructor’s step by step instructions to paint a picture.  It was super fun!  The one we went to just opened in Over the Rhine, it’s called Cheers to Art. I know there are other ones around my city such as Paint by the Glass…if you have one in your area you should really try it out! It’s a nice change of pace from the usual bar/club/restaurant scene.



We hit up a Reds game and I decided to get into the Cincinnati Reds spirit with a t-shirt from Old Navy. I really think this is my first ever Cincinnati Reds shirt.  Being from Cincinnati that’s kind of shameful.  Oh well, I am not much of a baseball fan! It was super fun though.


We’ve been trying to make some of the hundreds of recipes I’ve pinned on Pinterest, including this one.  Homemade pizza with ricotta, lobster, avocado, eggs, among other things….We excluded the peppers and got pre-made dough from Trader Joe’s.  It was delicious and super easy!!!


Our pool opened so I’ve been there nonstop.  I LOVE swimming pools. I hope some day to have one of my own.  I have tried to stay out of the sun the past few years – wearing lots of hats and slathering on the sunscreen…I haven’t had a tan since summer 2006.  However, I decided this summer to give myself a self-indulgent break from that healthy habit and take in all the Vitamin D I can handle.  It was a long, dark winter and I deserve it!


So, apparently men wearing tank tops is all the rage right now, at least it appears to be the case based on my limited exposure to grown men who play rugby…as for the rest of the male population, it’s anyone’s guess….



the 80-hour week….


Hello, folks! Long time no see. The photo above is a glimpse into my mind…very cluttered and chaotic.  No, actually it’s my office at work, but it’s fairly representative of life at the moment. Work’s been decently busy, not too slow, not overwhelming, and I am now entering week 8 of studying for the bar exam while working.  I’ve been keeping track of a number of different aspects of my progress in an Excel spreadsheet and I was horrified/surprised to see that I’ve been pulling 80-hour weeks for 7 weeks. I’ve got five full weeks remaining, two of which I will be off work. I can’t say I feel prepared or in control whatsoever at the moment, but according to the Kaplan schedule I am ahead of schedule. Studying for a test like this is time consuming but I guess the toughest part is the mental endurance of dealing with feelings like “how will i pass in this limited amount of time?” and then to “I have it all under control, ill be fine,” and back again.  I am eagerly awaiting that “i have it all under control and I will pass because I feel like I know what I am doing” feeling, which from what I’ve heard, doesn’t really come around until the week beforehand, if ever.

Saturday I had a horrible headache and realized I hadn’t taken so much as a 3-hour block of free time for myself since Jan 1, so I closed the books and watched some tv.  It felt pretty good! Laced with guilt, but good.  Being completely consumed with this one thing is very exhausting. It’s hard to focus at work…I have been getting through things as usual, but the nagging “I want to go home and make progress” voice is on repeat in my head all day. It’s going to get a lot, lot worse before it gets better.

To put it lightly, I don’t want to take this darn exam (does anyone?). I understand the need for it, but I’d really just like to get on with my career and devote gobs of time to things that are important (either to me or the people for whom I am working), rather than a standardized test on material that I will mostly forget forever.  I plan to have more 80-hour work weeks in my future – but I hope they are for a much better cause!

On top of hoping like hell that I will feel more prepared these next few weeks, I have one other wish…and that’s for SNOW.  We had two really great winters here in Cincinnati, but then last winter we didn’t get any snow accumulation at all.  I am really hoping this winter is a snowy one again, although so far it’s not looking too promising. Hopeful, I purchased these Sorel Joan of Arctic boots in Hawk (a.k.a. “brown”).  I LOVE THEM! They’re so warm.



SO that’s where I am at.  Pray for me to be prepared for my exam and to get a couple good snowfalls in the next few weeks. I could really use both!

CNN ~ Loving and Losing a Dog…

Hello everyone! I hope you’re having a wonderful week.  This is a few weeks overdue, but a slightly edited, pared-down version of the “my dog Jenny.” post from this summer was on CNN.  You can find the introductory article about peoples’ essays here:

And my essay here:

The first picture on the main article slide show is Jenny’s picture.  Jen was a big part of my life, and my words about her obviously mean a lot to me.  I felt really lucky to be able to share those memories with so may other people. That all got published the same week I finished school – 4.5 years of law school at night, 22 years of school in total.  It was a good week.

Christmas decor

I hope everyone had a great week and a good Thanksgiving!  I’ve eaten way too much, that’s for sure. I think I finished decorating for Christmas this week…I never got any glass jars/hurricanes for luminaries, but I am mostly finished otherwise.

We painted the living/dining/entry area in August.  It was so nice to replace that pink-beige/baby blue flat paint combo with a satin grey.  We got this Threshold Criss Cross Fleece Rug at Target.  I love the pretty grey and cream pattern and it’s really soft.  I REALLY wanted the Moroccan Souk Rug from West Elm (or a similar style as you can get this style in many places right now), but it was definitely price prohibitive!  The Target rug was $130.  The West Elm rug of similar size is much flimsier and $500.  NO THANKS!  The Target rug sort of reminded me of that pattern and was a great price.

I got the live cedar/white pine garland from Lowe’s.  It was $11 for 20 feet.  I only needed two spools, so that was a pretty good price. I went last night and they had TONS of it left, and only a couple of the Fraser Fir garland left.  That one was $5 for 15 feet, but I just dont think it is as pretty.  Well, it is more traditional I guess, and I thought the cedar worked better with more modern decor. I don’t know why the fraser fir garland is so much more popular! I’m wondering how well the cedar/white pine will hold up through Christmas. I guess we’ll see!

We got the lack shelf at Ikea a few weeks ago.  We don’t have a fireplace, so it’s as close as we’ll have to a fireplace mantel for awhile!  We TRY to stay away from Ikea stuff, but I swear it’s so hard.  Every time I want something, I see what I like at Crate and Barrel, West Elm, Target, etc., and nine times out of ten, there’s a very cheap same or similar option at Ikea. We looked at the same white shelves at those other stores for $50-100+, and then they have the same darn thing at ikea for $20. How can I say no to that?   And just for fun, check out this cute doggie….a blue heeler by a blue tree 🙂

gratitude ~ for the good, and the bad….

This year the words encompassing this particular holiday have sounded a little different to me.  It’s been a hard year, and I say that all the time, but I don’t say it negatively; I say it because every time I do, I am reminded that my version of a “hard year” is still thankfully mild compared to many, and that either way, I got through it one piece.  A necessary ingredient for true gratitude seems to be having the proper perspective. I know first hand that it’s an easy thing to lose.  Sometimes life helps us in that department, whether we want it to or not…

I’ve got one more challenge ahead of me after this weekend – I will study for 3 months, on top of working, for a three-day long bar exam that I can hopefully pass on my first try.  I’ve spent years fearing and worrying about this exam because I hate tests so much (who doesn’t?!), but something peculiar happened.

I wore myself thin in the spring.  We moved, I took four classes instead of three, I finished up my pro bono hours, and I was working full time.  I had to give up my bird Enzo, and as if that wasn’t difficult enough, the woman to whom I gave him turned out to be a scam artist and Enzo ended up at a flea market. The fact that I even found out about this in a roundabout way was all very lucky and unlikely.

After some action on my part and the part of others, I recovered Enzo’s belongings from that horrible liar, and got Enzo to a safe and loving home. I called the flea market man and made him cry. A month later, the flea market cohort of this woman had his aviary shut down because he wasn’t treating HIS birds right – all after my frantic communications with the man’s veterinarian lead to an investigation by authorities.  Animals may just be animals to some, but there were so many conflicted and heart wrenching feelings that came along with having to give him away.  I felt like I was trying to do what was best for him, and then after taking all the precautions I could, he still ended up in harm’s way.  The ending of all that was happy, but it was a difficult month and I learned the depth of deceit to which some people will go.

Amidst all those classes and pet drama, I ended up getting in a car wreck, through no fault of my own.  I spent my St. Patrick’s day in the hospital, and spent the rest of the weekend nauseous.  I spent another month navigating the messy world of auto insurance and car buying all while trying to get through the most demanding semester of my life.

May came, and I felt at peace for the first time all year.  Before long, my dog Jenny’s health started to fail, and then came 2.5 months of pain and worry and anticipation.  Immediately after she died, I had to take a class every day for 2 weeks straight.  It was a tough two weeks, stuck doing group work when I felt like i couldn’t think straight.

After all of that, things started to turn around.  School wasn’t overly busy this semester – busy yes, but manageable. As was work. But here I am, with a week of school left, and a big test over the horizon.  And I feel okay.  Maybe it’s an odd thing to say, but I feel like I must be as thankful for the hard times and bad things that happen in my life, as I am for the good ones.  Had I had an easy, smooth sailing year, I would be approaching my next task with the overwhelming fear and dread and negativity I felt about it for the last few years.  Instead, compared to the past few months, I am welcoming it and my current status in life with open arms.  No classes – coming home from work every night to sit with my books and study – with my boyfriend and pets safe and happy at home with me, and no more struggling at rush hour to get to class and eating dinner at 10 pm – sounds amazing.  I have lots to do but overall, the schedule is simpler and life is simpler right now.

The good feelings I feel right now would not be such had I not gone through some much tougher stuff to get here.  What felt tough and scary before, now feels manageable compared to the first 7, 8 months of this year.  When life gives you perspective, be thankful.  Sometimes it’s all you need in life to feel fulfilled once the dust finally settles.

I am not much of a cook but I’ll be making some turkey legs and sides for my immediate family today.  Wish me luck! And most of all, have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

happy Friday ~ the holidays are here !!!

Long time no see! I cannot believe it’s November already.  This time last year we were putting the deposit down on the new apartment.  It really doesn’t feel like we’ve been there  for a 10 full months.  This has been a very crazy, busy, and difficult year, but the past couple months have been quite enjoyable.  I haven’t had any free time unfortunately, but overall, things are going smoothly and guess what…FIVE more classes and I am FINISHED with law school!!! I cannot believe it.  I started August 4, 2008. It’s been a long road.  I feel like I’ve aged ten years in the past 4.5.  I am not complaining, though.  I have no regrets as of yet and am just so thrilled to have my life back.  I am sure I’ll find plenty to worry about soon enough with studying for the bar exam and finding a job, but really, the worst of it’s behind me.

With all that said, I did not get to enjoy my beloved Halloween “season” because I’ve been really cramming in all my work early.  It all flew by in a blur – not one pumpkin or costume or spiced cider to be had by me. But with that over and my homework all but finished for the semester, I am definitely getting into the holiday spirit IMMEDIATELY!!!

At my old apartment, the living room was too small for our full-sized Christmas tree, so with a larger living/dining area at the new place, I am eager to go all out with the Christmas decor this season. I have an artificial tree…and I am also thinking of decorating with some live cedar garland.  It’s so pretty, but it only lasts about 3-4 weeks and I may have a bit of an allergy issue…have you ever used live garland in your house?




I am also thinking of decorating with some luminaries – I love the lighting of the candles and it’s a cheap and easy way to decorate….



There are just too many pretty holiday decor pictures on the internet!!






hello, autumn

Hello, all!  I hope your autumn (or spring, depending on where you’re at) is off to a nice start.  I’ve got 8 weeks of classes left until I am finished FOREVER, so I am pretty pumped about that.  95% of the work that’s left for this semester must be completed this month, which also means I am in for a long and boring October.  The upside is that November won’t be too bad at all and I can enjoy Thanksgiving.  I LOVE the holidays.  I will be studying for the bar exam in the midst of them, but that’s okay.

To cap off the summer, a few weeks ago we went on a canoeing trip with friends.  My puppy Ella quite enjoyed herself.  She loved fetching the frisbee in the river.  She’s a pretty good swimmer on her own, but I am overprotective so I got her this Ruffwear life jacket.  I plan to go on many more canoeing trips in the summers to come. 🙂

The unfortunate consequence of that trip was that I lost my sunglasses in the river 😦  They were the Ray-Ban Bubble Wrap Aviators.  I loved them, but they didn’t stay on my face anyway, hence their watery demise, so I figured now is as good a time as any to find a pair of aviators that fit my face better.  I ended up going with the Persol Square Top Bar Aviator PO2407S in matte gunmetal.

I saw a lot of good reviews of them online. I love them!! They’re much heavier/less flimsy than the Ray-Bans, and they stay on my face.  I love the tortoise shell and metal detailing on the sides, too, even though you can’t really tell from this photo. Hopefully I don’t lose or break these too soon 🙂  If I do, I swear it’s $5 plastic shades from the gas station from here on out.

I’ve also had my eye on the Michael Kors Runway watch in gold forever.  I love that watch and see it everywhere, and I finally decided to get it, but I went with the less common gold/horn color instead.  The writing on the face was softer and more feminine, and I liked the horn colored enamel mixed with the gold.

Of course, it’s huge right now so I need to get some links taken out, but I can’t wait to wear it!   I think those are enough accessories for me this year.  I ended up getting the watch because I wanted to get a new work bag, but as usual, I am being very indecisive about that.  I figured I’d hold onto the ones I use frequently for a little longer and wait until the spring, and get the watch instead.

Enjoy your week! I’m off to start my marathon month of homework….

closet update

I had been collecting some inspirational closet photos on Pinterest for quite some time. This is what I had to work with – a 4′ by 5′ closet right off our foyer. I wish I had more to work with, but having a walk-in closet, period, is good enough for now 🙂

Peacock Blue

Source: Lonny Magazine

High Contrast Rug ~ Zebra


Colored Glassware for Makeup

Source: Honey We’re Home

Hanging Scarves on a Rail

Source: Honey We’re Home

Gold-Framed Mirror

Source: Lisa Sherry Interiuers, Inc.

The downside of living with a man is that I can’t indulge in my girly side as much. Consequently, I wanted some color and girly-ness in the one area of our apartment that I can call completely mine. I loved the peacock blue paint on the shelves in the Lonny Magazine photo. I have a vanity table I got from Target in 2006 that was part of their “shabby chic” collection. It was a soft cream color originally, so I painted it Behr Caribbean Current. That’s where I store all my jewelry, makeup, and a few other miscellaneous accessories.

I got the zebra rug from Target. I’ve come to realize that I am not much of a drawer person. I always find myself being really good about hanging things up, but things that go in drawers tend to stay in the laundry basket until I am ready to use them again. As such, I decided that I’d hang as much as possible, and then emulate my laundry basket habit by storing my other clothes – jeans, work out clothes, pjs, etc., in storage boxes from the container store. I got two large linen storage boxes that are a bit sturdier, and two Baroque fabric storage boxes.

I wanted to have a mix of colors and prints. The mirror was one of my parents’ wedding presents in 1970. I love the mirror and it’s super heavy duty, and at the moment, there really isn’t anywhere in our apartment for it. I was afraid it my get broken or chipped in storage, and thought the gold frame would go just fine in the mix of decor in the closet, so I hung it there for safekeeping.

I’d like to get some acrylic shelf dividers to help keep all my bags upright, but the shelves are almost 1.25′ thick, and thus far, I’ve been unable to find any clear dividers that will fit shelves that thick.

I also revived my shoe collection a little 🙂 My navy blue Hunter boots are pretty much shot. No amount of boot shine will make them look ok. I may have to google some other ways to condition them. Since I used them so much the past 3 years, I figured it would be a good idea to replace them. I got some high-gloss black ones in the same style. I’d really like to get a yellow pair as well, but it’s been so hard to find them in stock anywhere!

I love leopard print and have been pretty indecisive about where to incorporate it into my wardrobe. I have a black and grey leopard print scarf, but that’s it. I wanted to get a couple new pairs of flats, and I found these cute leopard flats at Forever 21. They’re cheap and cute and very comfortable. I also FINALLY got a pair of Tory Burch Reva flats in Royal Tan. I have been wanting some for years, but for almost $200 bucks a pop, I wanted to choose wisely on the color. The first summer I wanted them I wanted the white leather with the gold medallion, but those were out of stock. I waited two years to find those in stock somewhere, to no avail. I also liked the black with the silver or gold medallion, but at the end of the day, I only really wear black flats to work, and these shoes wouldn’t be fore work. I FINALLY see some white Reva’s with a gold medallion in stock. FINALLY! and of course, since the summer is winding down, I couldn’t bring myself to buy white ones, which i see as more of a summer-y shoe. I loved these brown ones, though, and though they’d be pretty versatile.

new beginnings.

Hello, all! I hope your summer is going well.  As has been the theme this 2012, I have been distracted by many things and neglecting my blog.  I can’t wait until I can really get back to it.  About a week and a half ago we got a new puppy.  That’s her in the pics.  She’s maybe a year old, or close to it – and about 22 lbs and fully grown.  We named her Ella.  My plan was to wait until after the bar exam to get a new dog, but of course I couldn’t resist.  She’s been so wonderful!  She is a an Australian Cattle Dog mix that we got from All American Dawgs rescue in Newburgh, Indiana.  Someone in Jessup County, KY left her for dead behind a chinese restaurant in late February – she was partially hairless because of mange and very sick.  The animal shelter in that county contacted the rescue because they thought she was a senior dog, so between that and how sick she was, they’d have to put her down.  They could tell she was a cattle dog mix and that All American Dawgs specialized in cattle dogs, so Sharon, the lady in charge, came and got her. Once she took her to the vet they found she was not a senior dog but in fact still had her puppy teeth.

She’s been the sweetest dog and is so very smart.  It’s so hard to believe that someone would treat this dog the way she was treated.   It also makes you wonder what happens to so many great dogs out there.  The shelter found her “unadoptable” and were going to put her down, but she is the best dog.  She is fun, smart, well behaved, and so loving.  We are looking forward to many happy years with this puppy!  She is spoiled already.

I also turned 30 a couple weeks ago.  I don’t like getting older, but the age thing also doesn’t bother me.  Turning 30 had me thinking a lot about my 20s.  I remember my 20th birthday vividly, and all at once it’s amazing how fast it went by, but also seems like such a long time ago.  So much happened in those ten years.  I really enjoyed my 20s.  They were definitely a roller coaster of emotions. I faced a lot of new challenges and had a lot of great new experiences.  I also would not do it over again if I had the chance…I am looking forward to my 30’s!!!  Lots of exciting new experiences to be had.  I just need to get this schooling finished and pass the bar so I can feel like I can move on!

Speaking of new beginnings, 8.5 months after we move in, we’re FINALLY getting around to painting our living room/dining room.  I will be doing that this weekend and will post pics soon!

I also went on an accidental shopping hiatus this year.  We bought a lot of things for the new apartment in January and February, but then life took over.  I know I am busy when I don’t have the time or energy to think about my wardrobe!!!  I did not think that was possible.  I don’t think I’ve gone this long without clothes shopping since before my first job at 15.  What I have found is that I have a whole lot of super worn out clothes and shoes.  As much as I see shopping as a vice, now that everything I own is tattered and worn and looks crappy, both work clothes and otherwise, I am realizing that adding and deleting a little to the rotation each month is what keeps things looking good and keeps the wardrobe supply at a financially manageable level.  Now I feel like I need new EVERYTHING and that’s overwhelming!  Oh, what I would give to have an open-ended budget and a stylist 🙂

Well that’s what’s up with me at the moment.  Have a great weekend, and wish me luck on my painting project !