I’ve Got Mail….from Birchbox :)

How was your weekend??  Mine was pretty good.  The bf was out of town with friends…I got some clothes organized and worked out and spent time with the family.  Soooo, I love mail, I love cosmetics, and I love surprises, so you can imagine how excited I am about Birchbox.  Basically, you pay $10 a month and once a month you get a shipment of cosmetic samples (and possibly even one or more full-sized products).  I signed up last month right after the last shipment – when I found out about it on the Fabulous K blog here. This month’s box came with the following:

So I am pretty excited about that – whenever I am at Ulta or Sephora I enjoy the samples as well – sometimes it’s just fun to try different things a time or two, while other times the marketing aspect of it pays off for a company – and I end up loving and subsequently purchasing the product. 


Another one I found recently but have yet to sign up for is Foodzie.  It’s the same type of thing with various “artisan” “gourmet” whatever foods, but for $20 a month instead of $10, I am still on the fence.  Since it’s a by-the-month thing I suppose I can just cancel after a month if I don’t think it’s worth it, so if I do it I will let you know!  Do you know of any other companies like these?

Follow up …. I found a couple more of these samples-by-mail companies in the past couple of  days if you’re interested:

Eco-Emi  Chic eco-friendly products delivered to your door once a month.

Craft Coffee Company Amazing coffee experiences delivered right to your door.

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